Friday, July 11, 2008

Home Sweet Home

“That work, and not idleness,
is the indispensable condition of
happiness for every human being.”

-Leo Tolstroy-

So we’ve moved to Chicago. It has been fun getting to know our new town. Amy has started her residency and worked 96 hours her first week=). Judah and I are enjoying biking, the park and the library among other things. At home we are painting, drawing, reading and doing al kinds of other fun things for Judah’s development. I have come to realize that even though I have been struggling with not knowing what I want to do in life. I meed to make sure that I don’t neglect other areas in my life. Coming to this realization has made a big difference in my days, especially with Judah. I am taking time to get in physical shape. I started running in addition to biking every where. At this point this my be only some days instead of most days but it’s a major step in the right direction. I am also working on my photography. Getting it organized and building portfolio and that kind of time consuming stuff. Reading is another big one. Right now I am reading up on the Cubs, man what a great history. I am also reading about wine, I am taking my wine-knowledge a step further. I am loving it. We also have been visiting Willowcreek church and it has been a blessing to my walk with God. He is good and faithful, to Him be all the praise, Shalom.